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Logging in and Getting Started

Once LinkLive Desktop is installed, users will see the familiar LinkLive login page. Users will login with the same username and password that they use on and Communicator. In subsequent logins, new Settings will automatically open LinkLive Desktop when users start their computer, simplifying the user experience and ensuring they are ready to accept new conversations with their status properly established to LinkLive queues and other users. These settings are discussed below and in more detail in LinkLive Desktop Settings


Multimedia Settings

On first login, LinkLive Desktop will default Audio Input, Audio Output, and Sound Effects to Same as System, which are the computer settings for Camera, Microphone and Speaker. If desired, users can change these in Settings > Communication Center > Multimedia Devices. Note that the Multimedia Settings chosen are stored locally on the user’s computer (and locally in browser for This allows users to have different multimedia settings on LinkLive Desktop and if desired.



LinkLive Desktop supports multiple notifications to ensure users are aware of incoming conversations and system events such as voicemails.

  • LinkLive Desktop supports in-app notifications (aka Toast Notifications) when LinkLive is in focus. This is same as

  • Computer Notifications when LinkLive is not in focus, and a highlighted LinkLive icon with unreads in the Task Manager. This is same as Additionally, LinkLive Desktop includes capabilities to ensure users are setup with Computer Notifications by checking the PC Notification settings to confirm if they are setup and prompting users to setup if they are not.

  • Desktop LinkLive also mimics a Communicator behavior of popping up LinkLive window when LinkLive Desktop is closed and running in the Task Tray. More details on closing LinkLive are provided in Closing and Uninstalling

LinkLive Desktop Notifications

Settings Up Computer Notifications

On first login, Desktop LinkLive will check if user has enabled Computer Notifications and alert the user if they have not. Computer Notifications need to be turned ON to receive notifications when LinkLive is not in focus. From the alert, users should click on Settings to go directly to the System > Notifications page. If user accidentally hits Dismiss, they can go to to Notifications page by typing Notifications in Windows taskbar search or right clicking in lower right and select Notification Settings. On the Notifications page, users should toggle the Notiifications to ON


Automatic Start Login and Establish Status

On subsequent logins after the first login, LinkLive Desktop will automatically start and sign in when the user starts their computer. By default, LinkLive Desktop will start open in a Window. If users prefer for LinkLive to start minimized in the Taskbar, they can enable the Enable Start Minimized setting in LinkLive Account > Startup Behavior. Also, if preferred, users will also be able to disable Start-Up when Windows Starts and Save Credentials for Auto-Login. Please go to LinkLive Desktop Settings for more details on Settings to control LinkLive Desktop startup behavior. In addition, similarly to, the user’s status will automatically be set as determined by the Start Up Status configured in Settings > Commuications Center > Presence Automation.

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