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Getting Started with LinkLive Mobile

LinkLive Mobile is a minimized desktop experience in the palm of your hand. And with the new LinkLive Mobile Worker feature, you can ensure your employees have arrived safely at their destination.

Logging In

  • Use the same credentials as LinkLive

    • LinkLive Mobile on iOS supports both Touch ID and Face ID to log in. When logging in select the slider to use the feature.


  • The user experience is the same as Minimized Desktop View

    • The footer icons allow you easily access Contacts, Phone, Messaging, and Sessions.

  • The hamburger icon in the upper left accesses the main menu.

  • Mileage and Map icons are new features for LinkLive Mobile Worker

    • Changes have been made under Settings | Multimedia Devices for Video and Connected device

      • This setting allows for connection with Bluetooth devices.

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