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Session Summary

The agent must be granted the Reporting Stats level of LinkLive Reporting access to view Session Summary. 

The Session Summary allows agents with access to easily view call and chat volumes by the hour of the day or by intervals of time throughout the day. Users can tailor the view of the Session Summary to show metrics in seconds or minutes. This report is helpful in determining high and low volume times of a given day. 

The data is displayed in three sections: Inbound Calls, Inbound Chats and Outbound Calls. The Calls section on the left displays data fields for statistics and totals for voice calls. 

The view of the Session Summary can be customized depending on the information that is being sought after. The Options tab displays options for selecting groups, dates/times, options to show seconds, minutes, hours or HH:MM:SS. The summary can also be set to view in 15minute, 30-minute and 60-minute intervals. The last option in the tab allows the agent to download data as a CSV file. 

The default view includes whichever group or grouping is used when the agent signs in in the report. Users can select which Hunt Groups they wish to be included in the view by clicking the Select Groups option on the drop-down menu. 

The Select Dates/Times option allows the agent to select a date or period of time to include in the view. 

The options to Show Seconds, Show Minutes, Show Hours and Show HHMMSS allow the agent to change the time increment the data is shown in. 

The 15m intervals, 30m intervals and 60m intervals allows the agent to change the time increments of the data displayed. 

The Download Data as CSV option will download the data displayed in CSV file format. These files can be delivered over multimedia (email, secure inbox, or file transfer). 

Column Definitions: 

Inbound Calls Column 

Total: total calls for the period 

Hndl: handled by the agents 

Aban: abandoned before agent answer 

Redr: redirected because of no answer or agent redirect 

ASA: average speed of answer including queue time 

AHT: average handle time (customer/agent interaction) 

ASA: average speed of answer including queue time 

Wrap: average time in wrap-up 

Inbound Chats Column 

AbN: abandoned with no text input 

AbQ: abandoned in queue 

AbA: abandoned at agent before agent response 

Redr: redirected because of no answer or agent redirect 

ASA: average speed of answer including queue time 

AHT: average handle time (customer/agent interaction) 

Wrap: average time in wrap-up 

Mail: mail forwarded to agents 

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