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Using LinkLive Reporting

LinkLive Reporting is a feature rich tool capable of delivering valuable insights to supervisors that need it most.

In the following sections, you will see the ability to report, monitor, and measure the performance of your day to day operations.

LinkLive Reporting Access Levels 

Access to LinkLive Reporting is granted to each individual agent in the Agent Settings section of the Hunt Group Administrator (LinkLive Reporting Access button at the bottom of the page). Access to LinkLive Reporting can be granted at either the Agent or Profile level for Hunt Groups. 

The rights for LinkLive Reporting Access are hierarchical and there are various levels of access. The hierarchical rights for LinkLive Reporting are listed below: 

None: indicates the agent has no access to overall reporting statistics, charts, etc. for the Hunt Group. 

Reporting Stats: indicates the agent has access to basic reporting statistics, charts, summary information, etc. for the Hunt Group. Access to Tiles, Charts + Graphs and Inbound Session Summary views. 

Detailed Stats: adds access to finding sessions, dispositions, and other agents in the Hunt Group. Same access as Reporting Stats, plus access to the Find Disposition, Call and Agent dialogs. 

Supervisor: adds supervisor rights in the Hunt Group, including the ability to silently join into a session with another agent, view Work Day Reports or Survey results. Same access as Detailed Stats, plus access to the Overview, Work Day Report and Survey Results views. Call Details (clicking a scatter chart dot) enabled here. 

QA Rights: adds Quality Assurance rights in the Hunt Group, including the ability to find, see, hear and rate logs of other agents in the Hunt Group. Same access as Supervisor, plus access to the Find Sessions for Review dialog. 

Workforce Management: indicates that the user account can review Workforce Management and scheduling information for the Hunt Group. Same access as QA Rights, plus access to the Agent Scheduling view. 

Inherit: indicates the rights are defined by the agent’s involvement in the “LinkLive Reporting Access” section (above) at either a User or Profile level. *Can only be selected in the Agent Settings. 

Individual agents will have different access to the Views in LinkLive Reporting depending on the Access Rights that have been granted. 

Access to LinkLive Reporting must be granted from the “LinkLive Reporting Access” button on the Hunt Groups page on the Admin interface. General LinkLive Reporting Access can be assigned to a single user, group of users or a profile. 

When you grant access under agent settings the default of Inherit (what settings have been given to them under the General LinkLive Reporting access) to specific rights on a hunt group basis is overridden. 

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