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Release 23.11.1 (v9.6)

Date: November 6th, 2023


Introducing an improved navigation experience

We are excited to introduce the new navigation experience. This implementation brings all navigation items into a single large menu. This new menu is organized into categories of features that are frequently used together.

This feature is the first in a series of LinkLive Reporting UI improvements that LinkLive is excited to launch over the next several months.

Work Day Report Improvement - Custom Statuses

A frequently requested feature is the ability to see custom statuses within the workday report. LinkLive is excited to announce support for custom status reporting within the Workday Report. A user logging into LinkLive Reporting will notice the displayed columns have been expanded to include any custom statuses configured.

This is a dynamic implementation that will change to reflect the current statuses available.

Included in this improvement is the ability to hide custom statuses and return the report to the pre-release state.

An update to Report Management is planned in a future release to bring this functionality to your business intelligence views.

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