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Release 23.09.1 (v9.5)

Date: September 25th, 2023


Introducing Account Activity Insights

We are excited to introduce the new "Account Activity" section in LinkLive Reporting. This feature offers valuable insights into activities occurring outside of the hunt group and queue, enhancing your visibility into important account actions. Explore and stay informed with Account Activity!

  • User Logins

  • Secure Messages Sent

  • CoBrowse Sessions

  • Voice (coming soon)

  • Chat (coming soon)

Enhanced Visibility with AI Chatbot Activity

We are pleased to introduce the AI Chatbot Activity feature, which provides improved visibility into virtual assistant interactions within specific hunt groups. Users can now effortlessly filter and analyze the performance of their virtual assistant. LinkLive Reporting offers a comprehensive set of metrics, as listed and defined below, to empower your insights.

  • Average Handle Time - Average session duration an end user was interacting with an AI chatbot

  • Total ChatBot Sessions - Total sessions handled by an AI chatbot over the date range selected

  • Total Contained Sessions - Sessions that were not escalated to an agent.

  • Task Completion Rate - The percentage of sessions that were handled entirely by the AI chatbot

  • Escalation Rate - The percentage of sessions that were escalated to an agent

Additionally, we provide several helpful charts to gauge usage volume by hour as well as trending topics within your AI chatbot.

Enhanced Experience

Here is a refreshed reporting interface that aligns seamlessly with other LinkLive solutions. While all your insightful call center data remains unchanged, we've made subtle improvements to colors, fonts, and other LinkLive styles to enhance your overall user experience. Enjoy the updated look and feel as you continue to optimize your call center operations.

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